

Claire Davison-Pgon & Anne-Marie Smith-Di Biasio

Introduction 9


Laura Marcus

Virginia Woolf and the Art of the Novel 15


Noriko Kubota

The Japan-British Exhibition of 1910 and Virginia Woolf 33


Kathryn Simpson

Shop windows blazing ; and women gazing : Woolf, Commodity

Culture and the Gift Economy 43


Claire Ros

We want what is timeless and contemporary, potique du

pome selon Virginia Woolf 53


Nathalie Pavec

The Platform of time : lՎcriture inactuelle de VirginiaWoolf 73


Naomi Toth

Enduring Time : Orlando and the present moment 87


Michael F. Davis

Dating Mrs Dalloway : the Use and Abuse of History 101


Adriana Varga

An Innovative Tradition : Music and Language in Virginia

Woolfs Modernist Novel 117


Derek Ryan

The lawn was the world : Uprooting Trees and Becoming-

Grass in Virginia Woolfs To The Lighthouse 129


Adle Cassigneul

Un regard pos sur le monde 139


Angeliki Spiropoulou

The Fissured Contemporaneity of Virginia Woolf 155


Anne-Marie Smith-Di Biasio

Minoan Woolf : Out-of-timeness, Haunting Presences, and

the Spectre of Virginity 167


Teresa Prudente

The sense of a world continuing without us : Impersonality,

Permanence and Fluidity in The Waves 179


Chantal Delourme

We are. . . . marking time : the Impossible Contemporary

as a Poe/Litical Threshold in Virginia Woolfs Diary,

Volume 5 191


Monica Latham

Mrs Woolf, our Twenty-First-Century Contemporary 207


Anne-Laure Rigeade

Penser le contemporain avec Virginia Woolf et Nathalie Sarraute 223


Christine Froula

Orlando Lives : Virginia Woolfs Orlando in Global Adaptation

and Performance 233


Notes on Contributors 259