Feminist Woolf: New Perspectives on Woolfs Resistance to Feminism"

le 23 septembre 2017

Aix-en-Provence, Maison de la Recherche, 29 avenue Schuman, Salle colloque 1



Accueil par Sophie Vallas (directrice adjointe du LERMA) et Claire Davison / Nicolas Pierre Boileau


10h-11h15: Myriam Thirriard (AMU) Orlando: On Being Written into a Woman

Valrie Favre (Lyon 2), A Room of Ones Owns Resistance to Feminist Interpretations

11h15-11h30: Pause


Derek Ryan (University of Kent), 'Women, Animals and Biography; or Woolf's Resistance to "monstrous egotism"'

12h-30-13h30 Djeuner

13h30-14h30: Jane Goldman (University of Glasgow)

14h30-15h45: CristinaCarluccio (Salento, Italy) Femininity and Anonymity in Street Haunting: The Sympathetic Detour of an Irresponsible Desire.

Virginie Podvin (UBO) Le fminisme de Virginia Woolf en question, entre critique du modle patriarcal et neutralit de lՎcriture


15h45-16h: Pause 


16h-16h30: Nicolas Pierre Boileau (AMU):

Reflections on Singularity, Subjectivity and the Possibility of Collective Action in Woolfs Writings


 16h30-17h45: `Thinking back through our mothers? - Woolf and Feminism from Womens Studies to Post-Feminism and Gender Trouble


Round table chaired by Randi De Guilhem (Directrice de Recherche, AMU, TELEMME) with Nicole Ward Jouve, Jane Goldman, Derek Ryan and Claire Davison