Catégorie  Calls for Papers

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3 – 25-26 avril 2014 – Inaugural International Conference of the French Society for Modernist Studies (Call for Papers)

The aim of this two-day conference is to foster discussion on communities in the modernist period. [...] More than a decade after Jessica Berman’s landmark work on « the politics of community » in modernist fiction, we seek to explore the various ways in which communities were configured across genres and artistic media, but also to acknowledge the grounds of their historical and cultural specificity.

University of Rouen – 27-28 March 2014 – Call for Papers

Exploring the birth and perpetration of two critical meta-narratives and their interdependence: the myth of “high modernism” and the myth of “Victorianism”. "If there is no clear repudiation of history and heritage on the modernists’ part, if “rupture” was a useful fiction, if the challenge to traditional aesthetics and ideology was already a Victorian preoccupation, then we definitely need to remap modernism and Victorianism simultaneously."