« How Woolf’s writings explore the material world » – by August 1, 2013

For a special issue on « Woolf and Materiality » (Spring 2014). All submissions welcome.

CFP for the Virginia Woolf Miscellany (special issue on « Woolf and Materiality », Spring 2014). All submissions welcome.

The VWM invites discussion of how Woolf’s writings explore the material world. Articles that directly address the relationship between meaning and materiality are particularly welcome, and potential topics include fresh considerations of Woolf’s engagement with: the natural sciences; philosophical conceptualisations of materiality; non/human bodies and objects; fabrics and ‘things’; the materiality of language and art.

Send submissions of not more than 2500 words to Derek Ryan, d.ryan@exeter.ac.uk, by August 1, 2013.