Virginia Woolf: Writing the World
The 24th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf, co-sponsored by Loyola University Chicago and Northern Illinois University, will take place in Chicago, USA, 5 – 8 June 2014.
“Virginia Woolf: Writing the World” aims to address such themes as the creation of worlds through literary writing, Woolf’s reception as a world writer, world wars and the centenary of the First World War, and myriad other topics.
We invite proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and workshops on any aspect of the conference theme from literary and interdisciplinary scholars, creative and performing artists, common readers, advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and teachers of Woolf at all levels.
Possible themes include but are not limited to:
– Woolf as a world writer, including reception and/or influence of her work
– Writing as world creation
– Globalization of Woolf studies
– Feminist re-envisionings of the world
– Lesbian, gay and/or queer worlds
– Living worlds
– Natural worlds
– Cosmology, physics, different kinds of worlds Geography(y)(ies) and/or mapping the world “First” and “Third” worlds
– Postcolonialism
– The centenary of World War I
– The World Wars
– Peace, justice, war, and violence
– Feminist writers of 1914 and/or suffragettes and WWI Pacifist and conscientious objector movements
– Class and/in Woolf’s world(s) Writing the working class Socialists “righting” the world
– Expatriate worlds
– Artistic worlds
– Inter-arts influences, including painting, cinema, music, and journalism
– The publishing world
– Transnational modernisms and postmodernisms
– Woolf and/on international relations
– Imperialism and anti-imperialism
– Teaching Woolf in global contexts
– Teaching Woolf outside of the traditional 4-year college classroom
– Woolf and the new global media
– Woolf and Chicago connections/reception
Deadline for proposals: 25 January 2014. Email proposals by attachment in Word to
For individual papers, send a 250-word proposal. For panels (three or four papers, please), send a proposed title for the panel and 250-word proposals for EACH paper. For roundtables and workshops, send a 250- to 500-word proposal and a brief biographical description of each participant.