PhD seminar organised jointly by EMMA (Etudes Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone) and SEW (Société d’Etudes Woolfiennes)
Humble Woolf
November 27-28, 2014, Université Montpellier 3, Site Saint Charles
This two-day seminar will involve PhD students and scholars working on Virginia Woolf (among them, Pr. Rossana Bonadei, University of Bergamo, and Pr. David Bradshaw, University of Oxford, UK).
The aim of the seminar will be to raise the following question, connected with EMMA’s forthcoming events and the work the SEW has done over the years on Virginia Woolf:
Can Woolf be regarded as a humble writer?
Woolf has long been described, along with many other modernists, as an elitist writer. But a full portrayal of the writer and her work should take into account her many paradoxes and contradictions, among them, the possible coexistence of elitism and humbleness.
Programme here: Programme Humble Woolf