Literature Cambridge 2017

A new series of talks for town and gown on Virginia Woolf and her contemporaries.

Virginia Woolf Talks

Supported by Lucy Cavendish College and Literature Cambridge

A new series of talks for town and gown on Virginia Woolf and her contemporaries. Free. All welcome.
Venue: Lucy Cavendish, Library Seminar Room, Lady Margaret Road, CB3 0BU

Wed. 25 January 2017, 1 pm: Dame Gillian Beer, Reading The Waves Across a Lifetime

Friday 3 March 2017, 1 pm : Nanette O’Brien, Prunes and Custard in the Archives: Virginia Woolf and Cambridge Food in A Room of One’s Own

VWSGB: Woolf birthday lecture by Susan Sellers: Sat. 28 Jan. 2017, 2 pm, Senate House, University of London

Easter and Autumn terms programme here: