Jean-Rémi Lapaire — Re-reading The Waves with acting and dance-composition techniques

L'article de Jean-Rémi Lapaire, mettant la scène et la danse à contribution d'une relecture des Vagues, est consultable en ligne.

L’article de Jean-Rémi Lapaire, ‘Breaking Virginia’s Waves (1931): from page to stage’ vient de paraître dans la revue Miranda 19 (2019) et est consultable en intégralité en ligne à ce lien :

« Dance space and theatre space can be used as critical thinking spaces in the language and literature class, with substantial gains in student motivation and engagement. This claim was put to the test with a group of 38 graduate students who co-designed a stage adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s experimental novel The Waves (1931) using acting and dance-composition techniques. […] As this happened, students found themselves cast in the role of moving and speaking cognizers, staging bodily displays of meaning, and reframing Woolf’s written narrative as a series of “acts” and “scenes” to be performed – not just read. »