Virginia Woolf Miscellany n°99, edited by Valérie Favre and Shilo McGiff

The latest issue of Virginia Woolf Miscellany is now available online and features the following contributions:

Shilo McGiff & Valérie Favre — “What Is a Portmanteau Woolf? What Is the Woolfian Portmanteau”

Eret Talviste — “Thoughts on Peace During a Train Ride: Rethinking Patriotism with Virginia Woolf and Leida Kibuvits”

Marie Allègre — “Woolf’s Arrows”

Carolyn Oliver — “Eve and Virginia Woolf Peruse Flash at the Tattoo Parlor”, “Familiars”

Melissa Johnson — “‘drawing finer and finer the thread between us’”

Ana Quiring — “An Archive of One’s Own:  Fan Fiction as Amateur Criticism of Virginia Woolf”

Melodie Roschman — “Queer Bastard Children and Childless Mothers:  Alison Bechdel & Virginia Woolf”

Melis Aker & Ella Bucknall — “Graphite & Rainbow”: Melis Aker in Conversation with Ella Bucknall”

Ella Bucknall — “Virginia Woolf A Graphic Biography” (three selected illustrated pages)

Jenny Ann Cubin — “‘Surely, I may say [I] listened’”

Benjamin Hagen — “‘…she was learning to love moments’:  Notes on Hortense Spillers, Virginia Woolf, and the Feminine”

Kabe Wilson — “The Two Septimi”