Monica Latham, Caroline Marie, Anne-Laure Rigeade — Recycling Virginia Woolf in Contemporary Art and Literature

Nous vous annonçons la parution récente de l’ouvrage Recycling Virginia Woolf in Contemporary Art and Literature, édité par Monica Latham, Caroline Marie et Anne-Laure Rigeade, aux éditions Routledge.
La parution de cet ouvrage fait suite au colloque Recycling Woolf qui s’est tenu en juin 2019.

Recycling Virginia Woolf in Contemporary Art and Literature examines Woolf’s life and oeuvre from the perspective of recycling and provides answers to essential questions such as: Why do artists and writers recycle Woolf’s texts and introduce them into new circuits of meaning? Why do they perpetuate her iconic figure in literature, art and popular culture? What does this practice of recycling tell us about the endurance of her oeuvre on the current literary, artistic and cultural scene and what does it tell us about our current modes of production and consumption of art and literature?

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