Virginia Woolf Miscellany n°99, to be sent by January 2022

Special Topic: Portmanteau Woolf Guest Editors: Valérie Favre and Shilo McGiff

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous l’appel à contributions pour le numéro 99 de la revue Virginia Woolf Miscellany.

CFP: Virginia Woolf Miscellany

Issue #99 Spring 2022

Submissions Due: January 31st 2022

Special Topic: Portmanteau Woolf

Guest Editors: Valérie Favre and Shilo McGiff

A call for all readers, common and uncommon:

“Virginia Woolf is everywhere” (Brenda Silver, Virginia Woolf Icon, xv) … including where we would not expect her to be. This issue of the Virginia Woolf Miscellany invites readers to explore intuitive echoes, unlikely pairings, interdisciplinary encounters, strange mash-ups, and generative (mis)alliances in the Woolfian world. Taking Brenda Silver’s germinal Virginia Woolf Icon as a point of departure and celebrating the recent arrival of Recycling Woolf in Contemporary Art and Literature (Monica Latham, Caroline Marie, Anne-Laure Rigeade – eds), we seek readings that not only revel in Woolf’s polysemous image as icon and celebrity, but also, that lift away from the custody battles of Silver’s purview to include recreations, reassemblages, and remixes occasioned by individual reception and experience. What idiosyncratic, contingent, and surprise meetings with Woolf and her work arise from your everyday reading, thinking, living? How, for example, might a Portmanteau Woolf, propelled by “the dynamism of making connections » (Sara Ahmed, Living a Feminist Life, 3), encourage the making of a “killjoy survival kit” and reunite Woolf with those miscellaneous, and sometimes mismatched, “companion texts” (Ahmed, 17) that we carry with us and which may carry us?

Possible topics include but are not limited to film and theatrical adaptations, novelistic retranscriptions, fine arts projects, children’s books, comic strips, ’zines, blogs, graphic novels, auto/biofiction, poems, Woolf in the Twittersphere, Sartorial Woolf, Woolfian recipes, Woolfian collectibles, site-specific Woolf, Instagrammable Woolf, Pop Art Woolf, and Woolfian Graffiti+

Submissions may include criticism, personal essays, poems, artwork, and photographs, and should be no longer than 2,500 words. Shorter submissions are encouraged, as well. Please send inquiries or submissions to: 

Valérie Favre 


Shilo McGiff